These Words Will Save Your Marriage

These Words Will Save Your Marriage

“Things will never be right between you and your spouse until you get things right between you and God”  I will never forget the day I heard those words. They completely changed the course of my marriage . . . and my life. Almost 25 years ago, my wife and I were...
Transform Your Marriage With This One Trick!

Transform Your Marriage With This One Trick!

If your marriage is currently struggling, understand that many marriages struggle because they have never discovered this one little trick that will totally transform their marriage. Not knowing this, can be one of the biggest obstacles to an amazing and thriving...
Our Story- PART 4

Our Story- PART 4

When I sat down with the minister—his name was Cliff, he said something to me that completely changed my life and our marriage. What he said to me was the KEY TO SAVING OUR MARRIAGE  and it is what has kept us together these past 20+ years, and it is the key to having...
Our Story- PART 3

Our Story- PART 3

The masks had finally come off and I was crushed! All of my hopes and dreams for our future were completely demolished. How could I go on thinking that we had a future when she would always be thinking the worst of me? Even if things seemed to get better- how would I...
Our Story- PART 2

Our Story- PART 2

This family almost didn’t happen! We were separated 3 times in the first 3 years of our marriage. During our third separation, we were living over 600 miles apart for about 5 months with almost no contact during that time. As far as we were concerned, our...
Once Upon A Marriage- Our Story

Once Upon A Marriage- Our Story

Many Christian couples stand up and proudly exclaim that God brought them together. They say that God brought them together for a reason- that they were meant to be together- we cannot say that… A Match Made In Hell You see, when I met my beautiful wife… she was...
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